Wednesday, February 26, 2014

IAU 2014 International Conference

I am simultaneously thrilled and humbled to announce that I will be attending the International Association of Universities' 2014 International Conference as an invited panel speaker. The conference's focus is "Blending Higher Education and Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Development." Joining representatives from Japan, Mexico, Colombia, and many other countries, I will be co-leading a panel on sustainable development in university life and indicators for assessing impact. I'll get a chance to tour the Amazon River and partake in an opening ceremony with traditional knowledge from the seven tribes of the Peruvian Amazon. In addition to journeying and learning with some of the world's foremost sustainability educators and practitioners, I'll be there for the drafting and presentation of the IAU's Statement on Higher Education for Sustainable Development as the IAU prepares for the UNESCO World Conference on ESD in Aichi Nagoya, Japan in November 2014.

I am beside myself, thinking of all the possibilities this conference holds. If you have been to Peru and want to share your experience, please get in touch; I'm immersing myself in learning all I can about this place, and hoping to make the experience as rich and productive as possible.